Since we began Dispute Resolution Consultants, our singular goal has been to provide attorneys and their clients the best mediation experience possible.

Courtrooms are essentially a firing range where transactional instruments and concepts are put to the test. We believe that the more the firm is involved in disputes, the more value is added to its other integrated practices.

Our disputes team focuses on both local litigation and international commercial arbitration and we regularly advise on investment disputes at the pretrial, trial and post-trial stages.

Explore further

A new study suggests that practicing mindfulness meditation helps entrepreneurs beat a pernicious cognitive bias and make better financial decisions.
Conflict Assessment
Conflict assessment helps parties determine whether an issue or dispute is appropriate for dispute resolution or consensus building.
Dispute Systems Design
Dispute systems design is a process that helps organizations to develop policies and programs to better manage conflict, both internally and externally with stakeholders.

Research report

Main Considerations When Negotiating Dispute Resolution Clauses

Total amount raised in last six months.

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Industries We Working With

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Advice helped us to integrate all the current tools and helped us make social media a daily habit.
Nicolas Gonine
Manager - Paris (GDRHEC)
Joyce was great. He came well prepared and able to present his ideas in a compelling way. I would definitely re-hire Joyce if the opportunity presents itself.
Jeremy A. Chartrand
Senior engineer at B&G Corp.
I was extremely pleased with the articles provided by Beach Automation. They helped me see the experts view of technology advancements
President of ...

Our experts

Anna Kendall

Client Manager

When the task at hand is self-improvement a long hard look in the mirror is required! A…


The speed of implementation will become a competitive advantage in itself. Advice shows…

Brian Thomas

Senior Manager

At Advice we pride ourselves on understanding our client's and candidate’s needs. We ea…

Jessica Black


It never gets boring. We’re all exposed to co-workers from diverse educational, militar…

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